
时间:2024-06-16 21:52:18
8月25日,电影《八佰》宣布将于今年11月12日在日本上映,并发布了日版海报及预告片,日文片名为《八佰:战场上的英雄们》。Chinese blockbuster movie The Eight Hun
  • 电影剧情 历史 战争
    管虎筹备10年之久的新片 确定于下半年开机 影片改编自1937年淞沪会战期间“四行仓库保卫战”八百壮士的故事 汇聚…


Chinese blockbuster movie The Eight Hundred adapted from a real fighting story from the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression (1931-45) is scheduled to be released in Japan on November 12. The Sina Weibo account "Sina Movie" posted the movie's Japanese-version trailer on Wednesday.

电影《八佰》由管虎执导,王千源张译姜武黄志忠 等主演,于去年8月21日在国内上映,累计票房31.3亿元,是2020年国内票房冠军。


The Eight Hundred, directed by Guan Hu, which topped 2020 domestic box office, mainly tells a story that takes place at the end of the Battle of Shanghai in 1937 during the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression. It focuses on a battalion of the China's National Revolutionary Army trapped in the Sihang Warehouse fighting alone against enemies over four days.


"I think this movie at least can give the Japanese audience a chance to learn about the war from a Chinese perspective," one netizen commented on Sina Weibo.



"I hope more Japanese people can get close to the aggression history and the pains it brought to Chinese people through watching the movie. First of all, can they stop using 'Sino-Japanese War' to whitewash the aggression?" another netizen wrote.


Japanese politicians' wrong attitude toward the history of aggression has always been strongly condemned around the world. Some Japanese senior politicians recently visited the Yasukuni Shrine, which commemorates Japan's Class-A convicted war criminals from WWII, angering Chinese netizens.




参考来源:环球时报 新浪电影

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